Because fear of cancer can be as bad as cancer itself.
Because the earlier you detect cancer, the greater the chances
of treating it successfully.
Because fear, like cancer, may have the power to spread
— but they both share one major weakness:
Because of all this, The Cancer Sutra is designed to
challenge the taboos and conventions about cancer.
Firstly by talking about how to look for cancer, not just
find it. Secondly, by bringing the fight against cancer, and
the prevention of it, out of a place of isolation.
Having fun while doing it — well, that’s something
we can all get behind. (Or in front of, depending.)
Possibly the easiest of all places to commit to memory are the mammaries. But in the event your partner’s melons leave you scratching yours, this handy (pardon) guide should help you squeeze the most out of your (up-and–) downtime.
Just try the TWEAK method.
Tackling the testicles may seem like a handful. So if you find yourself concerned you might not have what it takes to judge a sack in the sack, we have just the technique for you.
Simply LICK the testicles.
The skin is the largest of the body’s organs (yes, men, even yours). Which likely means the thought of memorizing every delicious curve, nook, and cranny has paralyzed your brain under the weight of this seemingly impossible task.
Never you fret.
You’ll soon have your partner’s every inch under both wraps and yourself.
All you need to do is roll up your sleeves, crack your knuckles, and get ready to FONDLE.
The prostate leaves much to be desired in the accessibility department. At least, for self-exams.
Thankfully, after reading this little guide, you and your partner will doubtless feel more equipped than ever to put your finger on all of the prostate’s delicacies.
Just remember to PROBE it.
Visit our Support Page to see how you can help stick it to cancer, hard!
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Visit our Support Page to help make early detection top (or bottom) of mind.
Visit our support page to see how you can help give cancer the finger!
Thank you for your interest in helping give cancer the bird (and giving your lover something quite a deal more pleasurable). Note that 100% of net proceeds from sales of both ebook and poster options go to Stupid Cancer®, to help anyone affected by young adult cancer to Get Busy Living by building community, improving quality of life, and providing meaningful survivorship.